So What's Been Happening Recently? #5

February 2018
       So I was finally home from the hospital. It was time to start healing. The doctor had given me a two week sick note. Some powdered stuff to help with going to the toilet. Some antibiotics and I had to buy the painkillers, which I didn't mind as they were cheap. I also spent a lot of money on the man nappies.
       Resting at home was okay, I was stretch out on the recliner. Making sure my anus wasn't positioned on the sofa. The worst bit about it. Wasn't going to the toilet, as the blood flow helped with the pain of pooping. It was the numbness. I don't know how much they injected me with but the numbness was horrible. Touching my bum was like pressing on sandpaper under my skin. I think it took about three days to finally die away. So I could wipe properly.
       The end of the first week, was when I had to do the monthly shop. The wife couldn't come this time. I think she was at work. So I went, as I normally would do, with the father in law and his friend. I wasn't aloud to lift anything, so I had my father in laws friend do all the lifting for me. You don't realise how much you use you arse to lift things, until something goes wrong. He had the special cushion in the van waiting for me. So I had some comfort, some. I did have to go out every now and then to top up on nappies and painkillers. It's not recommended but I had no choice.
       While I was off the wife came down with a bad chest infection, in which she ended up with bruised ribs. So she ended up staying off work as well. So we tried to enjoy our time as best as possible.
       During the time I watch films, read a book and caught up with Youtube and my tv programmes.
       My two weeks were up and I still was in no fit state to go back to work. So I went to the doctors for another week off. The doctor didn't catch on to why I wouldn't seat down until I explained everything. He seem as bit nervous at first. I don't think I look that intimidating, do I?
    During that last week I decided to treat myself to an early birthday present. My sisters husband had got a kindle fire for christmas and loved it. So much so that my sister was thinking of getting one. He is a big reader. I had been against Kindles for a long time. The usual reasons: there's is nothing like the feel of a real book.
     So I after doing some research, internet reviews, Youtube videos. I thought what the hell and went for it.  I went for the Kindle paperwhite. Mainly because of the back light. The price was a bit steep. So I tried looking around for a cheaper price. Ebay had some but I decided I wanted to get a brand new one. It was then I decided to check my Tesco vouchers and found by chance with my discount that I would get a decent chunk off the price. So I went to Tescos, with my printed off vouchers, to get one. I was told they had run out so I asked them if a nearby store had one. Just when a delivery turned up and one was in it, so I was happy. Even better as it was an early birthday prezzie for myself, the father in law paid the rest. So I paid nothing for my new Kindle. Yae me!
    After getting it home and playing with it for a couple of days, the wife suddenly decided that she wanted one. She wanted the original Kindle, so again I was back online searching to find a cheap one for her. By chance I found a advert on Gumtree, that had been put up that morning. Brand new, unopened boxed, still sealed. It was an unwanted present. For a quarter of the price and they were a few miles away.
    So I contacted her and went to get it. At the house of the lady, I was invited in and shown the item. She had told the truth, I was amazed. I gave her the money and took the Kindle. She said "Thank you" to me and I said back "No, thank you!" And got out of there as quick as possible, before she could changed her mind.
    I got in to the van and told the wife I was going to open it to make sure it worked. The void seal was still on, untouched. Sure enough, it worked. Turned on first time. Yae wifey!


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