So This Just Happened! #2

                    Shitty Postal Service and Shitty Neighbours.

       This pretty much says alot about people and the reason for the title of my blog and what I truly feel is 'I Don't Like People!'
       This happen on the 15th May.
   So I had bought some safety trainer boots online to hopefully help my feet at work. The boots I currently wear, hurt my feet alot and being on them all night, working, doesn't improve matters. So I decided to try something new and hopefully, more comfortable while I work.
      I get an email from the sellers saying they would be delivered at a certain time and then another email, changing that time for another slot a little later.  Which was fine as I wasn't going anywhere. They would be delivered by a company called DPD. Anybody who knows would know they are not the best delivery service. 
    So the time came for the delivery and then it went past the time. I had been checking online to track my parcel, during the day, to find out that it had been delivered and someone called Amy had signed for it. Who the fuck is Amy?!
    I phoned up DPD customers services and waited about forty minutes to speak to someone.
    They said they would investigate and call me back. A few minutes later, they call back and I find out that they had delivered my parcel to a neighbour down the road, who had had their own delivery. This tells me that the delivery driver was too lazy to read the address on the parcel or just too lazy to walk a few more steps up the road to send me what I ordered, or both. They asked me if it was okay to pick it up and they would call the person to say I was on my way.
    So getting dressed, I get another call telling me that the person who had my parcel wouldn't be in until after 3.30 pm. So I waited. I waited a little longer hoping they might turn up and deliver it themselves, no such luck.
  I get to Amy's home and buzzed the door. A few seconds later the front door opens and a large woman says 'Is this what you're looking for?' She hands me a box and on top of that box was the packaging. She had opened my parcel ripped the sides on the box and just handed it to me. I give a fed up ' Yeah, Cheers.' And walked away.
     Now you're probably wondering why I didn't rip her a second arsehole. The main reason was, she didn't care. She thought she was going to get some free stuff and was stopped by me. And the reason I knew she didn't care was for one simple fact. She didn't say sorry for opening the package. She didn't bother to explain herself or appologise. This told that me arguing with her, wouldn't have made a slight bit of difference. She didn't make any attempted to rectify the situation. She simply said, 'Is this what you're looking for?' And walked away.
   To be fair, I have opened a letter believing it was for me. But I had the balls to confront that person, at their home and appologise. 
    I don't have time for selfish people.
    The only good thing about it was my boots weren't touched. Probably only because they didn't fit her.
   Thank you world for enticing me not to want to meet your indigenous species.


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