I Got Things #4
Recently my washing machine packed up. The bearings went on the back of the drum. Producing a really nasty high pitched noise. So we stopped using the machine while we called the guarantee people to send someone out to fix it. So for about two weeks we were without a washing machine. I went online and searched for a temporary fix and found some manual, non-electric machines. Searching online reviews and vlogs and ended up with this. The Brummer Wonder wash . Holly Crap. I bought this a couple of months ago and price has shot up by a £101, on Amazon. This is a great little machine. It cost me £74.99, including 24 hour delivery. Without, it was £69. Using it is pretty simple. I found it easy to assemble. A few fiddly bits, but it was ok. The process is to fill with water and detergent. Put your clothes in and seal it up and manually turn the crank for about a couple...